Good to hear from you. I guess we are just on different pages (possibly from the same book though).
It may seem a 'pain' to serve a loving god, but anything worthwhile is worth much effort. God never said it would be 'easy' to serve him, but again the path to destruction IS 'easy'.
The elders do not punish ... they serve as representatives of Jehovah; carrying out his will. What seems difficult serves as a cleansing agent to keep the cong. clean. Don't get me wrong, I don't like being DF'ed, but agree with the need. I wouldn't want to be in a religion that accepts token repentence.
I DO realize that if I go back that there will be things that I do now that will not be possible then. I have 'become accustomed to your face' too and will miss this venue.
Take care ... northern girl.